The Mamiya C220 was released in 1968 as part of the Mamiya C series of interchangeable lens medium format TLR cameras. It is an improved version of the Mamiya C22. The camera has interchangeable lenses ranging from 55 mm wide-angle to 250 mm telephoto and accepts 120 and 220 roll films. It supports an interchangeable finder viewing system allowing options such as a chimney style magnifier, eye level prism and the traditional waist level finder. The lens focus scales are on the left side of the bellows. The rack and pinion focusing system with a bellows makes it possible for close-up photography without attachments. The straight film path has no sharp turns for absolute flatness of the film. The Mamiya twin lens reflex cameras are among the very few medium-format TLR cameras with interchangeable lenses. Lens: Mamiya Sekor 80 mm f/2.8. Every lens has its own Seikosha shutter system with a shutter speed of B, 1′ -1/500 or 1/400 sec, X or M flash synchronization, and bulb mode.